FACTORY ZERO’s launching trolleys are made of Authentic Factory Zero extruded and anodised aluminium - strong,light,and corrosion resistant.
And can be assembled easily using nuts and bolts. 
They are light weight but heavy duty. Rust-less resin bearings allow the wheels to turn smoothly.


※Extra parts

 #Z400 Bow protector

 #Z401 Bow cushion 1pieces

Dinghy Launcher 100 / 200
With adjustable frame for both 470 and 420 dinghies. 
The Dinghy Launcher 100 has an adjustable flat bed which can load various kinds of dinghies.
The Dinghy Launcher 200 has a carpeted GRP hull support for 470 and 420 dinghies.
Favoured by sailors from youth level to Olympic teams.
Many Japanese sailors use these launchers at world championships and Olympic games. 

for 470
※Extra parts

 #Z400 Bow protector

 #Z401 Bow cushion 1pieces

Dinghy Launcher 100 / 200
With adjustable frame for both 470 and 420 dinghies. 
The Dinghy Launcher 100 has an adjustable flat bed which can load various kinds of dinghies.
The Dinghy Launcher 200 has a carpeted GRP hull support for 470 and 420 dinghies.
Favoured by sailors from youth level to Olympic teams.
Many Japanese sailors use these launchers at world championships and Olympic games. 
#BY-210AS FJ
#BY-240AL seahorse
#BY-250AM Tasar
#BY-260AL K-16
#BY-270AO SS

for Laser
for seahopper
                BY-350A                                             Z085
Dinghy Launcher 350
Designed for Laser dinghies. The Dinghy Launcher 350 has a special bow support and GRP hull support for Lasers.

for OP




Than kyou for Visit our Home page.

about an order.

We can ship to any county of our products and parts.
We usually use EMS which the forwarding is most cheeper air freight.
Rate schedule
or any courier(DHL, FEDEX...) we can.
We have Pay Pal account, you can payment to very easy.

If you have any question when don't hesitate ask to us.



348-13  Hongou Ebina-City Kanagawa 243-0417 Japan

TEL:046-238-9411 FAX:046-238-9422

Contact Us info@factory-zero.co.jp